Secret Agent Society (SAS)

Small Group Program for 8-12 Year Olds

Northside Psychology is proud to be a Secret Agent Society (SAS) program provider.

SAS is an evidence-based program designed for children aged 8 to 12 years old who are experiencing a range of social and emotional challenges. It's a fun, espionage themed program that helps children to learn how to feel happier, calmer and braver.

Originally launched in 2009, the Secret Agent Society is evidence-based to help children experiencing the following challenges:

  • Anger
  • Anxiety
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (High Functioning)
  • Social Difficulties
  • Emotional Difficulties

Our Secret Agent Society graduates are provided with tools to:

  • ​Recognise emotions in themselves and others
  • ​Express their feelings in appropriate ways
  • ​Cope with feelings of anger and anxiety
  • Communicate and play with others
  • ​Cope with mistakes, transitions and challenges
  • ​Build and maintain friendships
  • ​Solve social problems
  • ​Prevent and manage bullying and teasing
  • ​Acknowledge their personal strengths


Keen to find out more?

Contact us using the form below and someone will be in touch to assist you with your questions.

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