

The Hidden Advantages of ADHD: Uncovering Unique Strengths

July 17, 2024

By Sarah Walsh, Clinical PsyD – Rutgers University | Clinical Psychologist When most people think of ADHD, they often focus on the challenges it brings. But what if we told you that ADHD comes with a set of hidden superpowers? Those with ADHD possess remarkable abilities such as hyperfocus on passions, creative problem-solving, and innovative thinking.

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Suffering in silence: It’s time to validate emotional invalidation

June 25, 2024

By Tristan Jones, Accredited Mental Health Social Worker “Just get over it” “You’re overreacting” “Stop acting crazy” These are all ways in which we utilize what is known as emotional invalidation. Dismissing or rejecting an emotion or feeling. It can be seen in relationships that range from the dismissive parent to the frustrated spouse and

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How to bypass long mental health waiting lists? Answer: Telehealth

June 11, 2024

By Nathaly Vargas, Psychologist While COVID accelerated the rapid shift to telehealth, some people still view virtual mental health as an inferior alternative. Why? Individuals have cited from overlooking body language to unreliable technology to lack of privacy. But the truth is, online therapy is just as effective as in-person therapy for treating certain mental

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Psychologists are Today’s Sherlock Holmes of Mental Health

May 28, 2024

By: Sarah van Ree, Clinical Team Lead/Psychologist Psychologists are part-detective, part inquisitive toddler, gently unpacking why we do what we do. Isn’t it interesting that we are simultaneously bored and grateful, moving and cycling between the drudgery of the minutiae of life to the bigger perspective? Recently, I have been reminded of the joy within

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Introducing NorthStar Academy: A Guiding Light for Provisional & Early Career Psychologists

May 15, 2024

By Holly Byron, CEO and Principal Psychologist at Northside Psychology The demand for qualified and excellent mental health care has never been greater. Studies show that 43% of Australians between the ages of 16-85 have experienced a mental disorder at some point in their life. One in ten children between the ages of 4-11 are

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Navigating Grief and Loss with a Memory Box

Crafting Comfort with a Memory Box

March 13, 2024

Navigating Loss with a Memory Box When experiencing grief, finding ways to honour and remember those we have lost can enable us to stay connected to our loved ones, and help us to heal. A memory box, a personal and heartfelt collection of items that remind us of our loved one, can serve as a

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How To Unlock Potential With Neurodiverse Workplaces

How To Unlock Potential With A Neurodiverse Workplace

March 13, 2024

Benefits of a Neurodiverse Workplace The business landscape is rapidly evolving, and embracing diversity in all its forms has become a cornerstone of innovation and success. This includes cultural diversity, diversity of skills and talents, education backgrounds, and neurodiversity. Neurodiversity refers to the variation in the human brain regarding sociability, learning, attention, mood, and other

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Building a strong online relationship with your telehealth therapist

Building a Strong Virtual Relationship with your Telehealth Therapist

March 5, 2024

How To Build a Strong Therapist-Client Relationship via Telehealth Since COVID-19 and the digital age, Telehealth has emerged as the new norm for many health professionals, including in mental health care. Online therapy offers unparalleled convenience, accessibility, and the unique opportunity to receive therapy from the comfort of your own home. It has also transformed

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Managing bad pain days with endometriosis

Managing Bad Pain Days with Endometriosis

March 5, 2024

Strategies for Pain Management with Endometriosis Imagine waking up, already dreading the day ahead, knowing it’s going to be one of those days-when endometriosis decides to take the lead, steering you into a whirlwind of pain that seems to engulf every part of your being. You’re not just battling the physical agony; the emotional turmoil

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Navigating a Late Autism Diagnosis as an Adult

New Beginnings | Navigating a Late Autism Diagnosis as an Adult

March 4, 2024

Understanding Your Adult Autism Diagnosis Receiving an autism diagnosis in adulthood can feel like being handed a map in a language you’re just beginning to learn. It might bring a mix of emotions: relief in explaining the challenges you’ve faced, confusion about what this means for your future, and perhaps concern about sharing this news

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