Do you constantly seek reassurance or actively avoid situations you feel worried or scared about?
Do you have physical pains at the same time as appearing to have lots of worries?
Do you constantly feel agitated, on edge or having sleeping difficulties?
Does your anxiety appear to control your life and stop you from doing things you really want to do?
People with anxiety difficulties tend to lack confidence in their abilities and feel overwhelmed easily. They are also driven to avoid the things that cause them anxiety, and in doing so, don’t have the opportunity to learn to manage their anxiety better.
There is hope. There are effective, evidenced based treatments for anxiety. We would work closely with your GP as medical interventions as well as psychological intervention is often the best approach.
There is a lot we can do to support, guide and assist you to improve your ability to cope and manage these problems. To find out more about how Northside Psychology may be able to help, get in touch with our team here.