Behavioral Issues


Does your child often appear angry, or are they showing signs of anxiety, irritation, and frustration?

Do they have trouble handling their emotions?

Are they refusing to listen to you or abide by rules?

Are you noticing sudden shifts in their moods or outbursts?

Behavioural issues refer to a wide variety of behavioural disorders that may affect any person or child, including but not limited to: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or other anxiety disorders, ADHD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Conduct Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, or even Bipolar Disorder. It is important to understand that your child probably does not want to be feeling this way, but might be feeling out of control and helpless. Long-term behavioural issues may lead into depression or substance abuse/addiction. It is important that your child receives assistance with overcoming or dealing with these issues, but it can be hard to know where to look for support.



It can be confusing for both you and your child if your child is experiencing sudden or drastic changes in their mood or behaviour. An experience that can be distressing for both parties, it is important to know that there is hope!

There is a lot that can be done to understand the issues, then support and guide both you and your child to better manage these problems.  A number of therapies may assist, depending on the situation, and may include psychoeducation, Circle of Security, parenting support, mindfulness, ACT and CBT. Family therapy may also be a good way of dealing with situations as a group.

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