

Is your child struggling with knowing what they want to do in the future?

Does the idea of a career seem daunting to them?

Are they unsure of what path to take in school or at university?

Choosing career paths can be a difficult and overwhelming decision for any child or teenager, and it might feel like the be-all or end-all. However, it's important for them to realise that not everyone will immediately know what career they'll go into straight out of school, and that's it's okay to be unsure.



For a child, the idea of needing to decide their future careers and school/university paths can be understandably daunting. It is an experience which can induce major stress. However, there is hope!

There is a lot we can do to support, guide and assist your child in deciding what they want to do and improve their ability to cope. We can work closely with your child to help them develop skills that will overcome these barriers. Vocational Counselling may assist, along with stress and anxiety management, and assistance with self-esteem, assertiveness, and communication and social skills.

Discover the best side of you.