Domestic Violence


Are you being subjected to an ongoing pattern of abusive behaviour by a partner or family member?

Are you being dominated, controlled, or oppressed by the other person causing fear?

Are you feeling unsafe at home feeling powerless to change the situation or ashamed to tell others?

Has a traumatic situation affected your sleep, appetite, concentration or other relationships?

Domestic violence is complex because of the broad range of behaviours that define it; it isn't just limited to physical, sexual, and emotional violence but also includes financial abuse, harassment, and stalking. When a person is threatened, the fear may force them to do things they don't want to and so in some homes, physical violence may be rare yet victims may be living under the constant threat of being hurt or punished.


There is hope. There are effective, evidenced based treatments for dealing with the psychological aspects of domestic violence.

There is a lot we can do to support, guide and assist you and manage these problems. To find out more about how Northside Psychology may be able to help, get in touch with our team here.

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