Gaming Addiction


Are you or others concerned about the amount of time you are spending playing video games?

Are you fatigued and lethargic as a result of constant video gaming?

Does your mood / behaviour change substantially as a result of gaming or if it is withdrawn?

Are you concerned that video gaming is seemingly dominating your life?

Pathological gamers spend about twice as much time playing games (about 24 hours per week) and are more likely to have game systems in their bedrooms. They are also more likely to have trouble paying attention in work, become withdrawn and suffer more physical health problems.


There is hope. There are effective, evidenced based treatments for any behaviour that becomes excessive, dysfunctional or begins to dominate lives.

There is a lot we can do to support, guide and assist you to improve your ability to cope and manage these problems. To find out more about how Northside Psychology may be able to help, get in touch with our team here.

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