Obsessions and Compulsions (OCD)


Do you have an uncontrollable urge to do certain behaviours such checking/cleaning of things?

Are these actions seeming irrational or entirely disproportionate to the issue in reality?

Do these actions take up at least one hour your day?

Are these behaviours disrupting family activities, your routines, or getting in the way of living your life?

A person with OCD experiences heightened anxiety, they can often insist on order and rules or disrupting a range of activities for the person, their peers, their family or work. Such restrictions can lead to subtle, unhealthy withdrawal, avoidance or becoming excluded and isolated.


There is hope. There are effective, evidenced based treatments for OCD.

There is a lot we can do to support, guide and assist you to improve your ability to cope and manage these problems. To find out more about how Northside Psychology may be able to help, get in touch with our team here.

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