Study Skills


Is your child struggling to study effectively without becoming distracted?

Do they feel overwhelmed by the amount of study they have to do?

Are they continuously procrastinating?

Developing skills for studying is an important aspect for any child/teenager, as it will become necessary through their later years of study. The prospect of studying can be overwhelming for children and teenagers, and it is common to have the urge to procrastinate, particularly with modern distractions such as TV, smartphones and tablets, video games and social media. Learning disorders such as dyslexia, along with ADHD or ASD, can lead to study struggles and distress.



Developing organisational and study skills is essential. These are skills that may benefit your child for life.  There is a lot that can be done to assist in the development of study skills. For instance, creating and putting study plans into use, setting goals and developing schedules, as well as considering how to better organise their time. Previously undiagnosed learning or behavioural disorders may also be brought to light. If so, therapies may assist.

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