Suicidal Thoughts


Are your thoughts driving you to withdraw from social contact and wanting to be left alone?

Are your thoughts preoccupied with death, dying or violence?

Are you feeling trapped or hopeless about a situation?

Are you developing personality changes or being severely anxious or agitated?

Suicidal thoughts have many causes but most often, suicidal thoughts are the result of feeling like you can't cope when you're faced with what seems to be an overwhelming life situation. If you don't have hope for the future, you may mistakenly think suicide is a solution, experiencing a sort of tunnel vision, where in the middle of a crisis you believe suicide is the only way out. It is never the only way out.


There is hope. There are effective, evidenced based treatments for dealing with suicidal thoughts.

There is a lot we can do to support, guide and assist you to improve your ability to cope and manage these problems. To find out more about how Northside Psychology may be able to help, get in touch with our team here.

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