By Anna Elisara, Provisional Psychologist

In this engaging Q&A, Anna shares her journey into the field of psychology, revealing what inspired her passion for helping others. From the essential skills she has developed throughout the Northside Psychology Graduate Program to the challenges that have shaped her experience, her reflections provide a candid glimpse into the realities of pursuing a career in this vital field. Whether you’re a student, a professional, or simply curious about psychology, her insights are sure to resonate and inspire.

What inspired you to pursue a career in psychology? 

Anna Elisara: I had no idea what job I wanted when I started uni, but I knew I was interested in psychology so picked it as a major. By the time I finished my bachelor’s I still wasn’t ready to finish learning about psychology so I decided to keep going as far as I could, and this is where I’ve ended up! I’m eternally grateful that this is the way things turned out because I think I have the best job in the world.

What skills have you developed during the graduate program at Northside Psychology? 

Anna Elisara: The Northstar Academy modules and webinars have been fantastic at helping me to master my counselling and assessment skills. Jenni Avidon is also an incredible supervisor and I’ve learnt so much from her about assessing and treating new (to me) more complex client presentations. Jenni has also taught me lots about Internal Family Systems Therapy which I hope to continue pursuing.

What has been the most challenging aspect of the graduate program?

Anna Elisara: Trying to find a balance between learning and reading as much as I can, seeing clients, other uni tasks, and self-care.

Can you share a rewarding experience you’ve had while working with clients? 

Anna Elisara: Literally any time a client shares a win with me – big or small – from their week, especially when it’s related to what they’ve come to therapy for. I really am so proud of my clients all the time and it’s a privilege to be a part of their journeys.

What advice would you give to students considering a career in psychology? 

Anna Elisara: Self-care really is key! Think about what self-care looks like for you and make a habit of noticing when you need a little extra to prevent burnout (as much as you can).

What are your career goals after completing your internship? 

Anna Elisara: Northside (and particularly Jenni) has introduced me to Internal Family Systems therapy which resonates so much with me. I’m really keen to continue to deepen my understanding of this modality and start using it with clients.