7 Reasons to See a Provisional Psychologist for Therapy
A provisional psychologist is a clinician who has or is nearing completion of their tertiary qualifications and is eligible to undertake a program of supervision (internship) as they develop their applied skills “on the job.” Here are seven benefits of seeing a provisional psychologist.
1. Clinical preparation time
Our Provisional Psychologists are allocated a manageable client load with dedicated time to plan and reflect on sessions, discuss with supervisors and research new ideas.
2. Shorter wait times
Provisional Psychologists may have shorter wait times than fully registered clinicians, meaning you may not have to wait as long for therapy. We are aware of the huge demand for psychological services in Australia, so seeing a Provisional Psychologist may give you an opportunity to access therapy faster!
3. Extensive supervision
Our Provisional Psychologists receive frequent supervision from Board Approved Supervisors, giving them an opportunity to draw on the experience from senior clinicians. Our Senior clinicians oversee the treatment process with the aim of ensuring a high standard of care for every client.
4. Clinician experience is not an indicator of client outcomes
It is often assumed that psychologists with more experience will achieve better client outcomes, but this is not necessarily the case. Research shows that the best predictor of good client outcomes in therapy is the relationship between the psychologist and the client (Fluckiger et al, 2018). It is important that you are comfortable with your therapist, as this will help you both work towards your goals.
5. They have 5+ years of training
Our Provisional Psychologists have been training for over five years, at University and in practice. Provisional Psychologists are in their final stages of training before registration, where they are refining their skills under the guidance of senior clinicians. Having recently completed or still engaged in university studies, Provisional Psychologists are in a good position to be up-to-date with current research and treatment modalities. This is also a fantastic opportunity for our Provisional Psychologists to collaborate with senior clinicians and discuss the latest approaches in the field.
6. Passion
Provisional Psychologists tend to immerse themselves in the learning experience, seeking knowledge around theories, modalities and approaches. They are passionate about honing these skills and utilising evidence-based psychological approaches in therapy.
7. Affordability
As sessions with Provisional Psychologists do not attract Medicare rebates, we offer these sessions at a reduced rate. Therefore, our reduced rate equates to a similar out-of-pocket expense as clients who would see a Registered Psychologist with a Mental Health Treatment Plan (MHTP).
However, not everyone is eligible or wishes to seek a Medicare rebate, meaning that sessions with a Provisional Psychologist could be more affordable for these clients, compared to sessions with a fully registered Psychologist.
Clients need to check with their private health, workers compensation or compulsory third-party insurers regarding eligibility for insurance cover for services provided by a Provisional Psychologist.
Should I see a Provisional Psychologist?
It is a personal decision whether to see a Provisional Psychologist. Please know that we have an intensive recruitment process at Northside Psychology, with the aim of maintaining a team of highly skilled and passionate clinicians. Our Provisional Psychologists are carefully selected to align with our values and are supported by our Senior Psychologists and Board Approved Supervisors within the team.