How can you honour someone who has passed away during the holidays?

The holiday season can be a bittersweet time for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. Christmas, in particular, often brings forth memories and emotions associated with those who have passed. However, it can also be an opportunity to pay tribute and honour their memory in meaningful ways. In this blog, we'll explore special and practical ideas to remember and honour someone you've lost during the Christmas season.

1. Create a Memory Ornament

Craft a personalised ornament with a cherished photo, a meaningful quote, or an item that symbolizes your loved one. Hang it on your tree to keep their memory close.

2. Light a Memorial Candle

Set up a special candle or candle holder in your home. Light it during your Christmas celebrations as a symbol of remembrance and the enduring light of their memory. You can surround the candle with pictures and tokens of memory, such as movie tickets, or their favourite mug.

3. Prepare Their Favorite Dish

Cook or bake a dish that your loved one enjoyed during the holidays. Share it with family and friends, celebrating their presence in the flavours and traditions you once shared.

4. Write a Tribute Letter

Pen a heartfelt letter to your loved one, sharing your feelings, gratitude, and favourite memories. Read it aloud or keep it as a cherished keepsake.

5. Donate in Their Name

Make a donation to a charity or cause your loved one was passionate about. This act of kindness in their name can be a beautiful way to honour their legacy.

6. Create a Memory Book

Compile a scrapbook or digital photo album filled with pictures, mementos, and stories that reflect the life and personality of your loved one.

7. Host a Remembrance Gathering

Organize a gathering with family and friends to share stories and anecdotes about your loved one. Light candles, play their favourite music, and celebrate their life together.

8. Plant a Memorial Tree or Garden

Plant a tree, shrub, or create a garden in your loved one's memory. It will not only be a lasting tribute but also a symbol of growth and healing in your grief journey.

9. Set a Place at the Table

Reserve a place setting at your Christmas dinner table for your loved one. This simple gesture acknowledges their presence in spirit.

10. Create a Tribute Playlist

Compile a playlist of songs that remind you of your loved one or songs they enjoyed. Play it during your Christmas gatherings and reflect on the times you have shared.

11. Seek professional and personal support

Seek therapy or join a grief support group during the holiday season to connect with others who understand your feelings. Use the support around you as a shoulder to cry on if you need.

Here is a list of grief support groups in Australia.


Grief during the Christmas season can be challenging, but it's also an opportunity to celebrate and remember the lives of those we've lost. By incorporating these practical and creative ways to honour your loved one, you can find comfort, healing, and connection during this special time of year. May their memory continue to shine brightly in your heart and holiday traditions.

If you need further face-to-face or online support for dealing with grief, contact us here.

If you are struggling with grief and loss during the holidays, here is our 5-step guide on coping during Christmas time.